Jules Cavaillès (1901-1977)
Femme voilée dans un parc, Alger
Oil on canvas
65 x 54 cm (15F)
This view of a park in Algiers, the capital of Algeria, with a veiled Muslim woman was painted by Jules Cavaillès on one of his travels to Algeria in the 1950s. Algiers, the capital city of Algeria, experienced significant political, social, and cultural changes in the 1950s. This decade was marked by the struggle for Algerian independence from French colonial rule, which had a profound impact on the city's landscape and society. The 1950s saw the intensification of the Algerian War of Independence (1954-1962) against French colonial rule. Algiers became a center of nationalist resistance and political activism. The city witnessed protests, demonstrations, and acts of civil disobedience as the Algerian people fought for their right to self-determination. The Algerian struggle for independence garnered international attention. Algiers became a focal point for news coverage, diplomatic efforts, and international discussions surrounding decolonization and self-determination. Despite the challenges of the conflict, cultural expression and artistic activities continued in Algiers. Writers, poets, and artists used their work to reflect the realities of the time and express their hopes for a free Algeria. The 1950s were a transformative period for Algiers, defined by the fight for independence and the quest for self-determination. The city's role as a center of political activism, cultural expression, and resistance contributed to shaping the modern Algeria we know today.
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